Four-time finalist of the Belgian Hercule Poirot Prize for Best
Mystery Novel of the Year with the novels "Djinn," "The
Finger of God," "Return to Hiroshima," and "The Firehand
Winner of the Hercule Poirot Prize for "Baudelaire's
Revenge," which also won the USA Best Book Award 2014 in
the category "mystery/suspense."
The collection of short stories "Dangerous Obsessions" was
Hailed as the "best short story collection of 2015" by the San Diego Book
"Heart Fever," the second collection of short stories, was a
finalist in the Silver Falchion 2018 Award.
The quality UK book site Murder, Mayhem & More chose
"Return to Hiroshima" as one of the ten best international
crime books of 2018.
The novel "Alejandro's Lie" was the Best Thriller Book
Awards winner in the category "Political Thriller 2021" on
The novel was a finalist in The American Writings
Awards 2023
The book won a silver medal in The Bookfest Awards 2023
"Alejandro's Lie" became the first runner-up in the "general fiction" Los Angeles Book Festival 2024 category.
"The Shadow Of The Mole" has become a finalist in the Best Thriller Awards 2022, Historical Fiction category, from Best‐
The Historical Fiction Company chose "The Shadow Of The Mole" as the winner in the "Historical Literary" category of the 2022 HFC Book Of The Year contest.
The book also won a silver medal in the Reader View "Reviewer's Choice Awards 2022-2023" competition in the
"Historical Fiction" category.
"The Shadow Of The Mole" is a finalist in the "Hemingway 20th-century wartime novels" competition of The Chanticleer International Book Awards (CIBA).
"Scars Of The Heart" received a New York Book 2024 Festival Honorable Mention in the category Anthologies/Compilations.
"Scars Of The Heart" received a Gold Book Award 2024 from Literary Titan
"Scars Of The Heart" is de Literary Global Book Awards 2024 winnaar in de categorie "short stories collections"
"Alejandro's Lie" is de eerste runner-up in de categorie "general fiction" van het Los Angeles Book Festival geworden. Deze tweede plaats bewijst nog eens dat deze roman, die in 1990 in Vlaanderen verscheen als "De stenen wachter" en een portret probeerde te schilderen van de mechanismen die een dictatuur mogelijk maken, nog altijd actueel is. Jammer genoeg misschien meer dan ooit. De roman viel het afgelopen jaar viermaal in de prijzen.